Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hair Loss Causes And Home Remedies For Hair Care

Hair adds to one's beauty, enhances youthfulness and upgrades one's personality. A bald person knows better the true worth of hair. We all wish for glossy, thick and healthy hair. But the hectic lifestyle and over exposure of scalp to heat, pollution, irritant chemicals etc give rise to multiple hair problems. Hair loss is a major problem these days among men and women.

Photoshop doesn't help, it really deceives. Long hair dont care but it really be weave
By AB_dotcom at 07/28/2011 10:38

Going back to short hair don't care lol
By TheBestAJR at 07/28/2011 10:37
The main causes of hair loss include heredity, weak follicular structure, dandruff, scaling, scalp tenderness, hormonal imbalance, and traumatic injury, and prolonged illness, pulling habit, aggressive combing and certain medications. Premature graying is another problem. The main causes of graying are genes, stress, severe illness, worry, shock, sorrow, malnutrition and improper protein synthesis. Dull hair is the third problem.

The causes are impoverishment and exposure to harsh shampoos or styling chemicals. Dry, frizzy hair is the fourth problem. The causes are heredity, diet deficient in proteins and vitamins, sun exposure, styling products, blow drying, use of curling irons, poor usage of hydrating products, poor intake of water, hormonal imbalance etc. Another problem is limp and excessively oily hair. The causes are hormonal imbalance, illness, medication, nutritional deficiencies etc. Itchy scalp is also a hair related problem caused by dandruff, sunburn, how to do it suitable without damaging your hair, scalp ring worm, head lice, flaking, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, folliculities, acne etc.

Home Remedies for Hair Care

1. Mix the juice of one lemon with the paste of the root of banyan tree and wash your hair with it. A coconut oil massage should follow the wash. This prevents loss of hair.

2. Using lemon juice for the final rinse during wash makes dull hair lustrous.

3. Massaging scalp with camphorated coconut oil removes dandruff.

4. Massaging scalp with a mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice also solves the dandruff problem..

5. Mix apple cider vinegar and water and apply on hair 15-20 minutes preceding hair wash. This remedy will reduce dullness of hair, making it glossy and bouncy.

6. Apply a puree of carrots on hair and keep for 15 minutes. Then rinse hair with cold water. This is a remedy for sticky, oily clip in hair extensions.

7. Application of astringent on scalp and hair removes excess oil from oily hair.

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